This is why we brought two subject matter experts to answer YOUR questions on the latest developments.
Feel free to email us at [email protected] with your questions before the session or you can enter them into the Q&A once you join.
Ryan Nell and James Schwantes
Ryan H. Nell is an employment attorney responsible for representing California employers statewide in both counseling and comprehensive litigation support. With the ever-changing landscape of California and federal employment law, Ryan prides himself on assisting clients in staying ahead of the curve in an effort to avoid legal trouble before it arises. He has extensive experience representing clients in harassment, retaliation, and discrimination matters, as well as large-scale wage and hour lawsuits.
James Schwantes is a Compliance Analyst with a legal and tax background. Prior to working at Paycor in the Tax and Compliance departments, he served as an attorney in Cincinnati focusing on antitrust, ERISA, and business litigation. He is a member of local and national chapters of the APA and the Ohio and federal bar associations.