So, with all the controversy, how do you still foster a workplace where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential without DE&I initiatives?
We will explore that question in this session, including reviewing best practices in:
- Language and communication
- Hiring and onboarding
- Team building and collaboration
- Training and development
- Policies and best practices

Audrianne Adams Lee
Audrianne Adams Lee, President and Founder of HR NETwork, Inc. brings
over thirty years of human resources experience and expertise from Fortune
500 high-technology and service companies including Marriott, ADP, Epson,
and Western Digital.
Audrianne has an extensive background and “hands-on”
experience in the design and implementation of leadership and management
training programs that help define leadership role clarification and motivate
their employees towards increased business performance. HR NETwork, an
HR outsourcing company, was designed to partner with businesses, relieving
them of the burden and confusion of the complicated and highly regulated
Human Resources systems and employment laws.