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What Hourly Workers Want More than Money
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What Hourly Workers Want More than Money

Learn how to hire and retain people when you can’t afford to pay top dollar.

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There are 7 Things Workers Want More than Money

Big companies are driving up wages, but there are other ways to compete for talent. Money gets workers in the door; it may not make them stay.

There are 7 things people want more than money, and the most important is a great boss. If your employees are engaged by a leader they trust, it can take a pay raise of more than 20% to poach them (Gallup).

Download Our Guide to:

  • Learn 7 things employees want more than money
  • Understand the limits of salary as a motivator
  • Get practical plans you can use today

Look Inside:

What hourly workers want table of contents
executive summary what hourly workers want
the state of the hourly workforce

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