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5 Reasons People Quit and 10 Things You Can Do to Make Them Stay
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5 Reasons People Quit and 10 Things You Can Do to Make Them Stay

Learn 10 actionable tips you can implement right now to help retain your workforce

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Does it seem like suddenly everyone is quitting?

Quit rates have risen since 2010 but they shattered all records in 2021 (SHRM), with 1 in 4 people actively searching for a new job (Workplace Health).

80% of active job seekers are concerned about career advancement, and 72% say the pandemic caused them to rethink their skill sets (WSJ).

Download Our Guide To:

  • Learn the top 5 reasons employees quit
  • Understand 3 things leaders can do to help improve job satisfaction
  • Get 10 actionable tips to prevent employees from walking out the door

Learn 10 actionable tips

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Five reasons people leave preview
Five reasons people leave preview

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