Timely COVID Resources Leaders Need Now:
- [Article] Vaccine Mandates: What HR Leaders Need to Know
- [Template] Employee Mandatory Vaccination Policy
- [Template] What to do if an Employee Test Positive for COVID-19
- [Template] How to Create a COVID Mask Policy at Work
- [Template] Coronavirus Return to Work Letter for Employers
Learn the latest information on vaccination requirements in our recently recorded webinar, Vaccine Mandates: What HR Needs to Know Now
Employee Safety

If an Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19, Here’s What to Do
You’ll want to act quickly for everyone’s safety, warn those who may have come in contact with a potentially contagious coworker, and respect employee privacy. So, it’s a balancing act. In this article, we share best practices.
Employee Vaccination Policy Template
Employers, especially in the healthcare industry, face an annual challenge ensuring that enough staff take shots against flu and other viruses. Positive news about vaccines against COVID-19 means that employers may soon have new decisions to make about how best to keep workplaces safe. We take a look at the compliance issues companies face when considering mandatory vaccine policies. For more ideas, download our free employee employee vaccination policy template.
Overtime Rules For Employees Who Work From Home
Working from home is the new reality for employees all across the country, and employees’ working lives are suddenly looking very different. Employers may wonder how this impacts overtime compliance. Here’s everything you need to know.
Leave of Absence Acceptance Letter Template
The uncertainty and distress caused by COVID-19 may lead some employees to request unpaid leave. If so, you’ll want to accept the request and explain your leave of absence policy in detail. There’s a lot to include so we’re helping out by sharing a downloadable template.
How To Create A BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy – Template Included
What should you do if your organization is requiring employees to work from home but you don’t have enough laptops or devices to go around? Read this article to access a free BYOD template and start building a policy today.
5 Ways to Make WFH Successful
If your company is already set up to manage work from home arrangements, you’re ahead of the curve. If you need help making the transition, please read one of our most popular articles are making WFH work for your team.
Social Distancing At Work
Federal, state and local governments agree: those who can work at home, should. For employees whose jobs require them to be in the office, there are still ways to stay safe. We’ve created an infographic that visualizes eight steps HR leaders can take to maintain social distancing in an office environment.
Create A Safe Work Environment For Employees Who Can’t Work From Home
In the face of mounting COVID-19 infections in the United States, many companies are asking their employees to work from home. But if your company is planning to weather the storm and you have employees who are required to work on-site, the first step is to do everything you can to help guarantee their safety. Here are things you can do immediately.
Latest Trends & Business Impact

Creating A Coronavirus Mask Policy For Work (With Template)
As America gradually returns to work in phases, many businesses will want to implement a mask policy for safety, and some will want it to be a mandatory feature of our new normal. In this article, we’ll review your options and share a downloadable Workplace Mask Policy template.
Coronavirus Return To Work Letter Template For Employers
Returning employees will likely have a lot of questions about what the “new normal” means for them and what’s being done to safeguard their health. A great way to answer these questions is to send a Welcome Back Letter. Read on for what to include and download a customizable Welcome Back Letter template.
Employee COVID-19 Testing Policy Template
To get America back to work and ensure employee safety, many SMBs are considering implementing workplace testing. But how will it work? Find out the pros and cons of testing for the virus itself, using temperature scanners or requiring self-certification. To help businesses, we are offering a free downloadable COVID testing policy template.
COVID Visitor Policy Template
Social distancing will be necessary in many workplaces for some time to come, and this isn’t just about employees—you also need to have a plan in place for those who are visiting. Read this article for what policies you’ll want to have in place and download our free COVID visitor policy template.
Equipment for Working Remotely Checklist
Much of America is now working remotely and some may never return to the office. To keep employees productive and engaged, wherever they are, it’s up to employers to supply the necessary tools and equipment. Download our free checklist of useful equipment for remote workers.
Virtual Interviews: Best Practices for Remote Recruiting
Remote work and video interviews might be here to stay, even after COVID. And while in-person interviews have natural advantages, there are ways to make the remote interview process effective and even fun.
Mental Health At Work: Helping Employees Cope During COVID-19
Loneliness, depression, job loss, balancing working from home with kids, family members and friends are all taking a toll on the mental health of employees. Here are 5 ways business leaders can reduce the stress and uncertainty for their employees during this difficult time.
How to Rehire Furloughed Employees (With Template)
At some point furloughs will end and you’ll need employees to return to work. Read this article for what a Furlough Recall Letter should include and download a customizable template.
Work From Home Survey Template
Is remote work the new normal or just a temporary measure? SMBs are deciding to what extent telecommuting is here to stay but before they can do that, it’s important to hear from employees about what they think. Read more for best practices on what questions to ask and download our Work From Home Survey Template.
Hiring & Onboarding Staff Virtually
We never thought we’d be onboarding in a global public health emergency, but here we are. You’ll find that the best practices of onboarding remain, but the process is changing. Learn how to transition your hiring and onboarding process to a virtual environment without missing a beat.
Remote Work Policy – Information Security Template
As many businesses see remote work becoming their future, HR teams are working overtime to craft policies and best practices to make this widespread and sudden transition a success. Read more about the importance of information security policies and other issues to consider. We’ve also included a downloadable customizable Remote Work Information Security Policy template.
9 Steps To Having Better Online Meetings
Online meetings aren’t new, but right now they are more important than ever. It’s a big adjustment for some but learning to communicate effectively as a remote team can help your organization better navigate this crisis.
Is It Time To Switch To A Remote Workforce?
Suddenly, more people are working from home than ever. That’s got some leaders wondering if we ever go back to the office and, if we do, what that looks like. Transitioning some or all of your operations to a virtual environment is a big step. Do you know how your team feels about it? In this article we tick of the pros/cons and provide a WFH survey template you can customize and send to your employees to get their thoughts on remote work.
Remote Hiring: A Step By Step Guide
Some companies are still in the middle of furloughs and layoffs while others are scrambling to hire quickly. Those companies looking for candidates may find themselves in an unusual situation: they might be overwhelmed by resumes. How do HR teams of one handle an influx of candidates? And what does recruiting look like when we’re all supposed to stand at least six feet apart? Here’s what you need to know.
Employee’s Guide to Working from Home
One method to help limit the spread of COVID-19 is to practice social distancing. As a result, many businesses are encouraging (or mandating) employees to work from home. For some employees, this new reality won’t pose a challenge. But for those workers working from home for the first time, it’s challenging and tough to manage. Luckily, we’ve outlined some helpful tips and strategies to make time away from the office productive.
How To Hire From An Increased Talent Pool
The labor market has changed beyond all recognition in a matter of weeks, giving SMBs who are able to hire new opportunities and challenges. Learn how to improve your organization by making the most of the increased talent pool.

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP): Loan Forgiveness
Small businesses who were successful with PPP loan applications face being hit with costly repayment if their spending doesn’t qualify for forgiveness. The good news is, the Small Business Association has finally released guidance on what expenditures are allowed and how to apply for forgiveness and. Here’s everything you need to know.
Cheat Sheet: COVID-19 Employment Laws
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been legislative changes that have immediate impacts to SMB leaders. To help, we’ve created this cheat sheet with information and resources to help you stay ahead of the curve.
What are Supplemental Unemployment Benefits?
Supplemental Unemployment Benefit plans give laid off employees’ additional income. They also offer employers a tax-efficient alternative to traditional severance packages. Here’s everything you need to know.
Emergency COVID-19 Leave Request Form
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act gives employees new rights to paid sick leave and emergency FMLA. Read more on the scenarios in which employees qualify for this leave and download a free COVID-related Leave Request Form.
COVID-19 ADA Requirements
The health and safety of your employees is top priority. What guidance does the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provide? Here’s what we know so far.
5 Things Small Businesses Need To Know About Coronavirus Paid Leave Rules (Form Included)
The DOL published regulations on paid leave programs that extend through December 31, 2020. In this article, we review which businesses are impacted, how to manage new regulations and offer a template to provide your employees requesting leave due to COVID-19.
Financing and Tax Relief

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP): What You Need to Know About Payroll Protection
The Paycheck Protection Program (part of the CARES act) offers small businesses loans of up to $10 million to help cover payroll, payroll protection and other essential costs during the pandemic. Here’s an FAQ on how to apply, who qualifies, and more..
Coronavirus Layoffs And Furloughs: Templates And Forms
As America mounts a defense against the coronavirus, HR leaders on the frontlines are delivering the truly heartbreaking news of layoffs to employees who, just weeks ago, were top performers. In this article we’ll provide templates and forms you can use to check the boxes. But more importantly, we’ll offer our thoughts on how best to have these tough conversations.
Essential Business Letter Template
What counts as an essential business or an essential employee? Read our article on everything you need to know and download a customizable Essential Business Letter template to give to your employees.
How to Apply for a Coronavirus Small Business Loan
Throughout the country, many small businesses are being forced to close their doors or greatly scale back operations. To help provide economic support to small businesses impacted by the pandemic, the federal government will provide targeted, low-interest disaster recovery loans. Here is an overview of how small businesses can apply and terms and conditions.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Tips To Manage Employee Leave Scenarios
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act requires employers with under 500 employees to give sick leave and paid family medical leave to eligible employees. If you’re looking for guidance on how to manage affected employees, check out the following scenarios.
Emergency Sick Leave For Childcare: What Employers Need To Know About FFCRA
Thanks to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, employees who are unable to work because their children’s school or day care facilities are now closed due to the pandemic can claim emergency sick leave and paid family medical leave. Here’s everything employers need to know.
Coronavirus Aid Relief & Economic Security Act: What SMBs Need to Know
The CARES Act was created to provide financial relief to those impacted economically as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. For more details on what’s included, read our latest article.
Additional Resources

Paycor’s COVID-19 Command Center
We’re excited to announce the release of Paycor’s COVID-19 Command Center, a new analytics solution that delivers instant insights for crisis management.
Creating A Coronavirus 2nd Wave Contingency Plan
While Americans gradually return to work, businesses still need to be on alert. The reality is, a 2nd wave of Coronavirus is possible. Now is the time for SMB leaders to plan what action they’ll take if a second-wave outbreak reaches their community. Here, we offer some best practices for what this contingency planning should include.
Top 10 Coronavirus Sources You Can Trust
Finding trustworthy sources with the most current information can be challenging for HR leaders during this unprecedented crisis. To help you stay informed so you can effectively communicate to your workforce, we’ve identified the top 10 sources covering the pandemic.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): 7 Things Your Business Should Do Now
The COVID-19 outbreak is spreading quickly, and many small business leaders are rapidly responding in real time. Here are seven strategic steps your business can take now.
How Businesses Can Prepare For Coronavirus
The key to successful decision making is good information. That’s why it’s essential that all SMB leaders take the time to get informed about what Coronavirus (COVID-19) is, the symptoms to look for and best practices to prevent it spreading.
SMB Leaders’ Guide to Coronavirus Communications
Communication is going to be key in the coming weeks. Crisis management communications requires rapid, coordinated execution. In this article, we’ll share tips for communicating to employees and customers as the reality on the ground changes day by day (and even hour by hour).
Paycor’s Commitment to You
For 30 years, Paycor has lived by the motto: take care of clients, take care of each other and do the right thing. They are our Guiding Principles and we believe they are widely shared by so many business leaders across this country. We can and will get through this together. Contact our team today to learn how we can support your business.