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Boys and Girls Club Case Study
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Workforce Management

Boys and Girls Club Case Study

Boys and Girls Club Industry
Boys and Girls Club Employees
Boys and Girls Club Solution

Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Plains partners with Paycor to streamline and modernize HR

“We have more than 100 employees in three different communities. It was getting to be a two-day process every two weeks to run our payroll.”

Darcie Bien, Chief Financial Officer

Prior to Paycor

The Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Plains supports five clubs serving kids in Brookings, Moody County and Yankton, SD. Before switching to Paycor in 2018, CFO Darcie Bien says the organization was burdened with paper-based, manual payroll and HR processes. As a nonprofit, the club needed more efficient time tracking and better reporting to support its grants process. They also wanted a way to quickly onboard new employees as well as a more effective performance review and talent development solution.

little girl using microscope


  • Paper-based payroll & HR
  • Lack of robust reporting
  • Time-consuming processes
  • Outdated, siloed systems

Partnership with Paycor

After switching to Paycor, The Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Plains has seen their payroll processing time reduced from two days every other week to two hours. “I start looking at timecards Wednesday morning about 10 a.m. and I’m finished by noon,” Darcie said.

Non-profits have strict reporting and tracking guidelines to follow when receiving grants. Most donors require a thorough accounting of staff hours worked toward the grant to receive funds. After categorizing salaries by department and location and combining job titles and codes in Paycor Payroll, the organization now has an efficient system that imports directly into their general ledger, saving Darcie six hours a month on data entry.

Solutions & Key Features

  • Easy implementation
  • Automated GL integration
  • Efficient, effective reporting
  • Improved performance & talent management
little girl playing basketball

Time savings, robust reporting and GL integrations brought Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northern Plains to Paycor.

  • Payroll
  • HR
  • Onboarding
  • Talent Development
  • Benefits Advisor
  • Time & Attendance
  • Job Costing Electronic GL
  • Reporting

Perfected Payroll

With direct deposit, paper paychecks have become a thing of the past. And Paycor’s integration with popular nonprofit fund accounting software allows for automatic import into their general ledger.

Less Time on Time

Scheduling and approving timecards is more efficient. Managers no longer have to track down employees to sign paper timesheets; they can manage hours right in the system saving hours every month.

Self Service

Employees now have ownership of their personal information. Everything from address changes to 401(k) deductions can be entered without the help of HR.

“We’ve been very happy with Paycor in the time that we’ve been using the software. I appreciate the quarterly shout outs and emails from our Paycor rep to see if we need anything. It’s a real game changer.”

Darcie Bien