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Sample Employee Dating Policy [Downloadable]

Use this policy to create clear instructions for employees who date.

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Get A Sample Employee Dating Policy Here

The workplace has always been about more than just work. It’s where people make lifelong friends and, often, find love. The statistics prove it: almost a quarter of Americans met their spouse through their job and more than half of employees have had an office romance. In the past couple of decades, though, the number of couples who meet through work has dropped fast. With more and more work happening remotely, employee dating is likely to become even less common.

For HR leaders, this will sound a lot like good news. Romantic relationships among colleagues can mean a lack of focus on work, accusations of favoritism and, if things end badly, unhappy employees.

To help HR leaders, Paycor is offering a free sample employee dating policy. Once downloaded, the text can be customized to suit the needs of your business.

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