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Employee Feedback Template

Have more productive job performance conversations with your employees using our customizable feedback template.

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More meaningful feedback = better engagement. Learn how to make it happen.

Consider the annual employee performance review. Traditionally, leaders would spend a year watching employees at work and then try and summarize everything they saw, what was working, what needed to change and what the employee should spend the next year doing in a two-page performance evaluation.

But, was the annual performance review ever really effective?

In a survey of human resource leaders, more than two-thirds said they believed an annual performance review was not able to accurately represent an employee’s performance. Not only that, but employees say that one touch-point doesn’t truly give them what they need for career success. (Gallup)

It seems that up and down an organization, more feedback equals better engagement and  presents more opportunities for employee improvement which ultimately helps the company get stronger.

This type of insight into the feedback process has many organizations re-evaluating the way that they conduct employee performance reviews. Many are finding themselves moving to a continuous feedback model. But getting there requires more than adjusting calendar invites. You’ll want to have a plan, which is why we’re offering this free downloadable employee feedback template. Let’s look at how an employee feedback strategy could benefit your organization.

Provide More Frequent Reviews

Establishing more frequent employee feedback sessions have taken on an added level of importance in a business world re-shaped by the COVID pandemic.

Review Remote Employees More Accurately

With so many employees working remotely, it takes more than filling out an annual performance review template to keep them motivated and engaged. Constructive feedback sessions are particularly important to:

  • Ensure workers are moving in the right direction
  • Maintain the company culture
  • Build, and nurture, engagement
  • Offer timely, constructive feedback
  • Provide career help and counsel

Provide the Bottom Line Impact

Performance reviews that occur more regularly and contain actionable feedback help employees stay engaged and employee engagement has a direct-effect on your bottom line. So it’s not hard to draw the line from feedback through financial growth for the organization.

  • Engaged employees tend to stay with the company. That retention is critical when you consider that one estimate puts staff turnover costs at 33% of the outgoing employee’s salary. (Work Institute)
  • The productivity rates of engaged employees is 17% higher than those employees with little, or no, level of organizational engagement.(Gallup)
  • The difference in profit between companies with engaged employees vs. those with a disengaged staff is 32% (McLean).

What’s in an Employee Feedback Template?

Now that the annual performance review is being replaced by more frequent check-ins, leaders can ask important questions and stay updated on any issues or hindrances in near real time. If you haven’t had much practice on this new method, this employee feedback template can give you guidance in five key areas.

  1. Best practices for collecting detailed feedback
  2. Recommendations for managing the performance review process
  3. Suggested topics for discussion
  4. Recommended questions
  5. Sample structure to facilitate productive conversations

The annual performance review template has been arranged in a way that will also provide help with facilitating weekly, monthly and quarterly performance reviews.

Best Practices to Collect Feedback from Employees

Approaching these tasks with an objective of improving and enhancing performance can positively frame the experience and ensure the best feedback.

Knowing when and how to deliver great feedback is critical to a good feedback session. There’s also a correct way to gather feedback from an employees’ peers.  Most importantly, make sure you’re not the only one talking. Feedback sessions should be two-way conversations and not a one-way rundown of issues.

Tips for Remote Employee Feedback

Providing feedback to remote employees requires utilizing different technology channels as well as operating with a heightened level of awareness. To be successful as a remote leader, it’s important to listen to cues and know what motivates, excites, and even distracts your distance employees.

Asking the right questions, many of which are provided in the template, can help you to get to the information you need which will be vital to helping support your employee to be successful.

Professional Development

Do you know what your employee wants to do next?  Asking the right questions about job satisfaction and their expected forward career movement can spark conversations about an employee’s strengths, weaknesses, and job tasks that they prefer.

Getting the information about how your employees want to move forward as well as sharing your performance expectations can help you hold them accountable for new skills, projects and training. Plus, developing a career path with your employee can be a powerful retention and engagement tool.

Here’s the thing to remember—the performance review process doesn’t just provide benefits and direction to employees, it can help you become a stronger leader also. After reviewing the results of the feedback surveys you’ll have an opportunity to make some corrections and updates that can have your teams running smoother. And also, happier because employees will see that their concerns were not just heard but addressed.

Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Check-Ins

Questions for 1-on-1s are included in this performance feedback digital template. Regular one-on-ones allow you to frequently check in on goals as well as gather feedback about your organization as well. When you dedicate time to talk about projects, wins and challenges, you can help better support your employees in their role and enable them to be most productive.

Mastering the art of the 1-on-1 only requires a willingness to have an open conversation and exchange with your employee.

How to Use the Template

There’s more than one way to gather, compile and share feedback with employees, but getting started is the more important step. Take the stress out of preparing for employee evaluation meetings by downloading our free Employee Feedback Template. Use a combination of 1-on-1 meetings, peer reviews, OKRs or other ideas included in the template that will work best for you. The template will help you get organized, provide questions and create the framework for structured and productive conversations.

Feedback Made Easier

Make sure your workplace is a pleasant place for everyone by getting the pulse of employee satisfaction. Ask for honest feedback and make any necessary adjustments with Paycor’s savvy feedback template, an all-in service to crafting an amazing culture.

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