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10 Questions to Assess Your Workplace DE&I Strategy

One Minute Takeaway:

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical for many companies, as studies continue to show the world’s most profitable companies have strong DE&I programs.
  • But have you ever taken a step back and asked the questions your future employees might ask as it relates to DE&I? Can you back up the answers you give when talking about your company’s commitment to diversity?
  • If you find you’re falling short in certain areas, you can help drive the changes your organization needs.

One Minute Takeaway:

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical for many companies, as studies continue to show the world’s most profitable companies have strong DE&I programs.
  • But have you ever taken a step back and asked the questions your future employees might ask as it relates to DE&I? Can you back up the answers you give when talking about your company’s commitment to diversity?
  • If you find you’re falling short in certain areas, you can help drive the changes your organization needs.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical for many companies, as studies continue to show the world’s most profitable companies have strong DE&I programs. When job candidates come in for job interviews, you probably are asked about diversity, and are likely to quickly to answer “yes” if you’re asked if you have a diverse company with a culture that values inclusion.

But have you ever taken a step back and asked the questions your future employees might ask as it relates to DE&I? Can you back up the answers you give when talking about your company’s commitment to diversity? The questions below are a great place to start when digging deeper on your diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. If you find you’re falling short in certain areas, you can help drive the changes your organization needs.

1. Is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion part of your core values?

As you think about your corporate culture, is DE&I a key part of your organization’s values? Is it something your leaders personally value?

2. How does your organization put DE&I values into practice?

It’s one thing to say you value DE&I, but another to find ways to demonstrate those values on a daily basis. What is your DE&I strategy? Are leaders working to make sure that strategy is executed?

3. How do your colleagues feel about DE&I?

Have you asked—either formally through surveys or informally through management conversations—if people feel they belong? Can employees be their authentic selves at work? Are differences appreciated and celebrated? Companies who are committed to DE&I ask these questions often. And data collected through these pulse surveys helps drive future DE&I practices.

4. Is diversity part of the recruitment process?

Does your company take steps to recruit from a diverse pool of applicants? Are you marketing and promoting open positions in a way that showcases your commitment to diversity?

5. Is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion part of onboarding and training?

Your commitment to DE&I should be evident to a new hire on day one. Including DE&I as part of onboarding and ongoing training demonstrates that commitment clearly.

6. Does leadership understand the value of DE&I?

Industry research makes it clear – diverse companies outperform their less diverse peers.

7. Are there affinity groups to support DE&I?

Affinity groups give employees an opportunity to express diversity in a way that’s meaningful to them.

8. How diverse is the executive team?

Boardroom diversity is a key indicator of overall DE&I commitment. A recent report from research firm McKinsey shows diverse companies have top leaders that include 20% women and minorities.

9. Is management equipped to handle a diverse workforce?

Does your organization provide ongoing training for managers to understand how to lead a diverse workforce?

10. Does the company take a stand on social issues?

Taking a stand on racial justice or marriage equality can be challenging for some businesses but demonstrates a commitment to diversity. An inclusive environment encompasses all types of diversity and takes steps to make sure everyone is comfortable and welcome. For more info on the subject, check out our on-demand webinar, Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace.