HCM Cor Offer Terms & Conditions
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Paycor, Inc.


Provider will provide You with promotional credits (the ‘Credits’) equal to any monthly fees incurred in using HCM Cor service for the first month commencing the month of Your first payroll run date. You may not terminate, cancel or unsubscribe from HCM Cor service in this Order on or before twenty four (24) months from the date of the Order. If this condition is not met, then all Credits issued will be reversed and You agree that Provider may charge You the value of such Credits times the termination percentage in the table below (the ‘Promotion Recovery Termination Fee’) and collect such amounts as otherwise permitted according to the terms of the Order and the Provider Terms.

Total Months Processing Termination %

  • <13 100%
  • 13-24 50%
  • 24+ 0%

The parties understand and agree that neither Implementation Fees nor any other Payroll-related fees (including without limitation paycheck shipping and handling fees) are a part of the Promotion and that all fees other than the monthly or per-processing Payroll fees (excluding delivery) will remain payable by You according to the terms of the Order and the Provider Terms.